Medical research

We, at Astridbio, have a multidisciplinary team of researchers from the field of mathematics, computer sciences, medical and molecular biology to conduct state-of-the-art research in the field of genomics. Our projects utilize these scientific capabilities on medical research (diagnostics or therapeutics) as well as on energy genomics.

Study Design

Poor design rather than poor performance or analysis is generally the main reason behind scientific studies unable to deliver the expected results. Put it simply: if we are asking the wrong questions, it is impossible to get the right answers. A detailed and sophisticated study design is the backbone of the hypothesis –> experimentation –> judgment –> conclusion process. After clarifying the objectives and identifying potential errors, we provide assistance in outlining research strategy and workflow (overall workflow management, clinical site-specific, wet and dry lab site-specific, etc.) and prepare a specialized domain model – with a detailed flow chart of sites, activities, entities, their attributes and relationships.


Apart from offering our proprietary software – SmartBiobank – AstridBio is able to provide a complementary infrastructure for your project. After acquiring the necessary licenses, we also undertake the collection of biospecimens and the related clinical data. In collaboration with our laboratory service provider, EnidBio, we can manage the whole process of biobanking from transportation and processing of biospecimens to long term storing.

High-throughput experiments

Although AstridBio does not have the infrastructure to provide this service directly, we have close relationships with some of the world’s most trusted providers. Most of our projects involve next-generation sequencing but we are familiar with suppliers of other platforms – e.g. microarray. Apart from helping you to identify the most suitable platform for the experiment; we can also provide assistance in choosing the ideal supplier and negotiating experimental details with your chosen provider.

Raw data analysis

aw data analysis, also called secondary bioinformatics analysis, transforms the output of various high throughput laboratory instruments (i.e. next generation sequencers and microarrays) into datasets that can be further analyzed with tertiary bioinformatics tools.

AstridBio offers its proprietary GenoMiner systems for raw data analysis, but our developers are also able to create custom workflows – tailored to a particular research project.

Data mining and biostatistics

The primary goal of data mining is the identification of hypotheses to be later examined by statistical methods. Biostatistics has long been used for planning clinical tests and research projects, as well as interpreting the related results. Based on its strong statistical and mathematical background, AstridBio offers complex data mining services and appropriate statistical modeling to researchers.
Similarly to data integration, data mining and biostatistics are also included in our Disease Discovery Suites, but AstridBio provides custom services – based on research needs.
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